Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2009


Sylenth1 is a polyphonic virtual analog synthesizer.

It has four unison oscillators which use an "innovate" synthesis technique that allows the generation of many simultaneous high-quality waveforms in realtime, using only minimal amounts of CPU resources. It also features two "analog sounding" filter sections, which can be taken way past the point of self-oscillation. These filters incorporate several non-linear saturation stages to produce harmonically rich sounds. Sylenth1's extensive modulation options offer possibilities to sculpture the sound, and it has a set of six built-in mastering sound-effects.


■4 band-limited unison oscillators in full stereo, each of which can generate 8 voices per note. This allows a total of 32 simultaneous voices for every note played, producing rich and complex sounds.
■2 "analog-sounding" 4-stage stereo filters per note. Each filter contains 5 independent non-linear saturation functions. The filters support selectable low-pass, band-pass and high-pass modes with 12dB or 24dB attenuation.
■16 Notes of polyphony, which adds up to a total of 512 simultaneous oscillator voices and 32 filters in realtime.
■4 ADSR envelope generators per note, which allow sharp attack and release.
■2 Low Frequency Oscillators with 11 different waveforms each.
■16 Modulation slots with 24 different selectable modulation parameters each.
■Easy to use built-in master effects section consisting of an arpeggiator and 7 sound effects: distortion, phaser, chorus, equalizer, delay, reverb and compression.
■Arpeggiator with built-in step sequencer, 10 different melodic modes, adjustable pitch, velocity and hold settings. Outputs Step Velocity as a modulation source.
■4-Stage stereo chorus, with 2x oversampling, adjustable delay time, depth, rate and feedback for flanging effects.
■Five different types of distortion in full stereo, with 4x oversampling to minimize aliasing artifacts.
■Equalizer with bass and treble adjustment by frequency and amplification.
■6-Stage stereo phaser, with 2x oversampling, an embedded LFO, feedback and frequency spread adjustment.
■Delay module with low- and high-pass filters, unique echo smearing function, ping-pong mode with stereo spreading, independent left and right delay time and adjustable stereo width.
■Smooth reverb with adjustable pre-delay, damp, size and stereo width.
■Stereo compressor with attack, release, threshold and ratio settings.
■Heavily optimized code using high-performance SSE processor instructions.
■Easy to use user-interface.
■Fully controllable by MIDI. Knobs can be simply assigned to MIDI CCs using the MIDI learn function.
■Sync mode for syncing LFO and delay parameters to host tempo.
■2 Modes of portamento sliding, which will slide both velocity and pitch parameters in polyphonic or monophonic mode.


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